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Frequently Asked Questions

What high schools may participate in Bridges?

Bridges Career Academies & Workplace Connection programs are available to any high school in the Central Lakes Perkin Consortium and/or Minnesota's Region Five (Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Todd and Wadena counties).

Does it cost a school district anything to participate in Bridges?

Bridges’ programs and services are FREE to Minnesota's Region Five and Central Lakes Perkins Consortium school districts. Bridges is supported, in part, by grants and local organizations, like Sourcewell (formerly NJPA). There are limits to some programs (ie: how many business tours one teacher can facilitate), so there could be expenses that a district incurs. Bridges works to make these costs minimal.

Are high school obligated or required to participate in ALL of Bridges programs?

The Bridges Team encourages high schools to utilize all of the Bridges programs/services whenever possible — since the concept of Bridges involves career awareness, academic enrichment, and career experiences. However, high schools may simply select programs/services that fit their college and career specific needs. (For example: Bridges' career videos and related resources are available to any school to view.) Contact Mary Gottsch for more information.

Do you offer any programs for middle schools?

Bridges has occasionally supported workforce development (career awareness) events for area middle schools. Bridges may help a school by providing valuable connections to the business community for an existing event or project. If you have an idea or suggestion, contact Mary Gottsch.

Do businesses have to be a Chamber member to participate in Bridges' programs?

Although the Brainerd Lakes Chamber was a founding partner for the Bridges programs, Chamber membership is not required. Bridges does work closely with area Chambers to connect to businesses, so if you are a Chamber member, you may be more likely to be sought out for involvement with this workforce development program.


For answers on any additional questions or for more information, contact:

Mary Gottsch, (218) 822-7117
Executive Director