Involvement with local business is the critical link in the Bridges programs. The Brainerd Lakes Chamber was a founding partner of Bridges, though many other local Chambers also now support these programs.
There are many ways businesses can support education to develop the future workforce.

Career Exploration Day
Bridge's annual Career Exploration Day event is held at Central Lakes College's Brainerd campus in early March. Businesses are partnered with post-secondary educational programs into industry groupings, or clusters, to collectively promote local career opportunities within that industry.

Career Depot
Promote your jobs for high school students by posting positions in our Career Depot, the only local job search website exclusively for 14-18 year olds. Just fill out this online form, or watch this video for more information.

Speakers Bureau
We're always seeking professional speakers to present to area classrooms — both virtually and in-person. Speakers share their real-world knowledge to motivate students to learn more. We have a presentation template and speakers tips we can provide.

Career Videos
Bridges' Career Videos offer an easy way for teachers to showcase real local industries and jobs without leaving the classroom. Videos feature local businesses and real professionals, and provide a snapshot of the educational requirements, work environment and earning potential of various occupations.